Design of CLEO-Solenoid-Compensating Anti-Solenoids

The CLEO detector solenoid field introduces coupling of the horizontal and vertical optics at the interaction region. This coupling effect has been compensated by skew quadrupoles near the IR since the beginning of CESR operation. In early spring of 2005, the reduced tune parameter observed in CESR-c operation led to consideration of a modified compensation design employing small solenoid magnets placed on either side of the IR just outside of the superconducting quads. A summary of investigations of the beam optics and dynamics which are motivating consideration of this new compensation strategy can be found here.

The transfer matrix of a solenoid can be decomposed into two rotations on either side of a lens which focuses in both planes. The angle of rotation and the focal length may be calculated as follows. Note that the total angle of rotation is twice the value calculated here.

Transfer matrix parameters for a Solenoidal Field

The rotation angle is given by
$ \Theta = K\;L = \frac{\strut B_z\;L}{\strut 2\;B\rho}, $

where $B_z\;L$ is the field integral of the solenoid and $B\rho$ is the magnetic rigidity.

The focal length of the focusing in both planes is given by
$ F_x = F_y = \frac{1}{\strut K \sin{K L}}$

Typical values for CESR-c are:
$B\rho = \frac{\strut P}{\strut 0.29979} = \frac{\strut 1.885}{\strut 0.29979} = 6.3 \; {\rm Tm}$

$L = 0.6 \; {\rm m}$

$B_z = 2.8 \; {\rm T}$

$ B_z\;L = 1.7 \; {\rm Tm}$

$K=\frac{2.8}{12.6} = 0.23 \; {\rm m}^{-1}$

$\Theta = K\;L = 67 \; {\rm mrad} = 3.87 \; {\rm degrees}$

$ F_x = F_y = \frac{1}{\strut K \sin{K L}} = 33 \; {\rm m}$

Jim Crittenden
Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory
Room 212
Phone:(607) 255-4882
FAX:(607) 255-8062

Last modified 14 April 2005