Trim Current for 7-Pole Wiggler Nr 2


Full 8/8 Model for Wiggler 2: Skew Quad Component

CESRc Working Group Meeting

22 November 2002

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7-pole Wiggler Nr 2 trim currents
These transfer functions show the horizontal kick to be near zero for trim current about 7 Amps for both the 1.9 T and 2.1 T configurations. These calculations were done with the 1/8 models assuming symmetry in the fields, so have the full accuracy in the tracking.

Transfer Function Comparison to Show Effect of Single Coil Displacement of 50 mils
The plot of vertical kick versus horizontal position shows 1) the accuracy of the model without any coil displacement suffices to easily observe a skew quad component of the magnitude measured in Wiggler Nr 1, 2) the displacement of a single main coil by 50 mils results in a skew quad component of about the same magnitude as was observed in Wiggler Nr 1.

Transfer Function Calculation using Measurements of Coil Displacements in Wiggler Nr 2.
A repeated measurement of the coil displacements in Wiggler Nr 2 were consistent with those before the cold test at an accuracy of about 5 mils. The skew quad component calculated for a model incorporating these coil displacements was found to be much smaller than what was measured for Wiggler Nr 1.

Creation date: 11/22/02.