Predicted Field Integrals for Wiggler Nr 2

Transfer Functions for Wiggler Nr 2 at 1.9 T

Present Fit Function Disallows Skew Quad Component

CESRc Working Group Meeting

6 December 2002

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Bx field integral for Wiggler 2 including measured coil displacements.
The vertical axis is the field integral in gauss-meters and the horizontal axis is entrance horizontal position in cm. The blue points are for Wiggler 2 without any coil displacements. The green lines show the x dependence of the field integral measured by ST for Wiggler 1.

Transfer functions for Wiggler 2 including measured coil displacements.
The vertical axis is the vertical kick in mrad and the horizontal axis is the entrance horizontal position in cm. The blue curves are for Wiggler 2 without coil displacements. The green lines show the expected effect of a pure skew quad component of the magnitude measured by ST for Wiggler 1.

Bx field integral for a Wiggler 2 of ideal design but for one coil displaced horizontally by 50 mils.
The vertical axis is the field integral in gauss-meters and the horizontal axis is entrance horizontal position in cm. The blue points are for Wiggler 2 without any coil displacements. The green lines show the x dependence of the field integral measured by ST for Wiggler 1. Such a coil displacement approximately produces the effect observed in Wiggler 1.

Transfer functions for a Wiggler 2 of ideal design but for one coil displaced horizontally by 50 mils.
The vertical axis is the vertical kick in mrad and the horizontal axis is the entrance horizontal position in cm. The blue curves are for Wiggler 2 without coil displacements. The green lines show the expected effect of a pure skew quad component of the magnitude measured by ST for Wiggler 1.

Creation date: 12/05/02.