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Recent Conference/Workshop Participation

HOM 10
(11-13 October 2010)

Higher-order mode workshop at Cornell University. Spoke about studies on optimal dielectric properties of beam-line higher-order mode dampers constructed of carbon nanotubes.

(12-17 September 2010)

XXV Linear Accelerator Conference, at Tsukuba, Japan. Presented baseline main linac cavity design for Cornell's ERL.

IPAC 2010
(24-28 May 2010)

International Particle Accelerator Conference. Presented a poster on ongoing work in main linac cavity design for Cornell's ERL.

SRF 2009
(15 - 25 September 2009)

Tutorial on superconducting technology as applied to accelerator physics in Dresden, Germany from the 15th - 18th. Followed by the 14th Conference on RF Superconductivity in Berlin, Germany from the 20th - 25th. Presented two posters and papers are published in the conference proceedings.

(4 September 2009)

ICAP09 Code Workshop at Stanford University. Tutorial on ACE3P, a parallel software suite specializing in solving problems interesting to accelerator physicists. Learned how to create and mesh models, solve fields and track particles and visualize results using Paraview.

Arts Quad

The Art's Quad on Cornell's Campus at the beginning of Fall

(8-12 June 2009)

Third international beam workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs, at Cornell University. Contributed results on cavity design for Cornell's ERL presented by Matthias Liepe.

Introduction to Parallel Computing Workshop
(28-29 May 2009)

NSF sponsored workshop on using the Teragrid, presented at Cornell University. The workshop featured sessions on message passing interface and hybrid parallezation schemes.

(3-8 May 2009)

The 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference, held at Vancouver, British Columbia. Contributed a poster on the Superheating field of Niobium to the student research competition.